Passion Works
We believe church is far more than what takes place inside the four walls of a building. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus everywhere we go and as a church, we support both local and international ministries! Listed below are the organizations we’ve partnered with. Follow the link to their websites in order to find out more information about how you can support them or get involved.

Empowering Communities Helping Ourselves (ECHO) is a non-profit agency improving the lives of low-income Montgomery residents by offering after school and community service programs, outreach, youth, mentoring, and feeding programs.

Harvest Ministries International
Harvest Ministries International focuses on ministering to the people of Venezuela and Columbia and training nationals in Bible Schools; adult and children’s churches; cell groups in the mountainous regions; a radio program and an outreach program for the needy; feeding the hungry and providing medicines and clothing to the poor.

Living Word Ministries
Taking care of orphans, building churches and training nationals through their Bible Training Center and in business through Mai Tai Coffee Co., which employs nationals and helps them support their families as well as the ministry.

Martha's Kids
A helping hand, providing basic needs including education, to the overwhelming number of street children, orphaned and vulnerable, scattered over Uganda, whose lives have been ravaged by war, poverty, home abuse and disease, particularly HIV/AIDs.

Mike & Vail Croslow
Working with pastors and national leaders representing thousands of African churches in 5 nations, providing opportunities for Africans in poverty to receive a “hand up” into a better life – national transformation through multi-dimensional empowerment – and building strategic partnerships with like-minded international organizations.

Montgomery Area Food Bank
The Montgomery Area Food Bank is a community agency serving over 300,000 residents in 35 counties in the State of Alabama, supplying over 20 million pounds of food and providing over 50,000 meals per day for those in need.

My Father's House
La Casa De Mi Padre (My Father’s House) is a home for the orphaned children of Mexico, providing a safe-haven where they are loved, educated through home-schooling and cared for in a nurturing and healing environment.

Passion Churches International
An extension of Passion Church with an immediate goal for new church plants in every regional center of Uganda, providing ongoing training for ministers and group leaders (8000 groups) and raising up new ministers and group leaders.

Roman Okware
Roman Okware Oversees a group of twenty churches in Uganda, Africa, which have recently come under Passion Churches International to disciple believers, train leadership, plant churches and serve the under-resourced in the areas he oversees.

Sajjad Anwar
Sajjad Anwar conducts crusades and outreaches in the Punjab region of Pakistan, providing food and clothing for the beggar children of the area who sleep on the streets, and planting churches in areas where they are needed.

Samuel Andrews
Working with ministers in Southern India’s tribal villages through evangelism, special crusades, the distribution of Bibles and Christian Literature, and helping to provide for the physical needs of low-income families in his region, including widows and children.

Tito & Nelrose Sasam
Promote fellowship, training and outreach in the Davao area churches, helping local pastors fulfill their calling, and providing ministry to the needs of pastors and churches through marriage, youth and leadership conferences and assistance in natural disasters.